Academy COVID Update - September 2021

Written on the 8 September 2021 by SWSAS

Academy COVID Update - September 2021

As the hope continues to build towards an easing of restrictions at the end of September, and an eventual pathway to a return to community sport; the Academy is also finalising its plans to open nominations, for the 2021-2022 Academy sport programs.

In what will be the Academy’s ‘25th Anniversary’ sport program year, 2022 promises to hold its own challenges, and with each challenge a potential great reward. 

The Academy is gearing up to ensure the high-quality sport education components of its programs will be able to operate both in a face-to-face, and online settings, through a number of initiatives timed to coincide with the awaited return to training. 

Whilst sports with an individual focus, such as the Wests Future Star Program, and the recently announced Triathlon squad are able to commence, and operate remotely, training will for the initial part, will look quite different, with a focus on home conditioning ‘the foundation for all improvement’ and the commencement of online sports education sessions.
This will allow a greater understanding of what is required from an athlete to succeed. And allow more face to face sports skill development time as the program gets into full swing.

The Academy has considered a number of options in calling for nominations for the majority of its squads, which would normally take place at this time of year.
The Academy has long held as a part of its ethos, the identification of local talent, based on potential and performance talent, rather than hearsay, or pure athleticism.


With 85% of Academy athletes either living in, or neighbouring a ‘NSW LGA of Concern’, a patient approach to selection is currently needed. 


It is with this ethos in mind, that the Academy is in a position to hold off on opening nominations for team-based sport programs until there is further certainty to the easing of restrictions.
This allows not only the Academy, but local athletes wishing to be selected, to be better prepared to trial at as close to their peak performance level, as possible. 

With the NSW Government announcing a return to school from late October, it is anticipated that the Academy will open nominations during the same period, with a trials and selection process throughout November. 
With programs usually operating from October to April, an extension of programs to mid-2022 is also likely. This will further assist Academy athletes in local representative teams to return to peak performance. 


The Academy does however encourage all prospective athletes to work on their fitness. And, maintain physical activity related to their sport, and spend time researching and learning their sport by participating in webinars, watching training videos.


And remain engaged by reaching out to their friends, local coach, club or state body for support, whilst we wait for sport to return. 
And remember the Academy is here to help any past, current, or potential Academy athlete.

Just contact us!


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NSW 2560

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