Latest Editions

SWSAS Time Out l Second Quarter 2024

This Quarters Feature Articles include;
- South West Shines on State-Wide Stage
- You are the Athlete, You Are Responsible
- Aaron King of the Gym

plus many more articles including;
All the wrap up from the best Academy Games yet,
Local Councils Celebrate Athlete Success,
3x3 Talent Showcased at Academy Corporate Cup
and much more.

SWSAS Time Out l First Quarter 2024

This Quarters Feature Articles include;
- Local Councils Recognise Regional Success
- Athletes Show It's All Up To You
- Get inside an athletes head Inside the Arena

plus many more articles including;
Build your Brand with Us
Olympic Recognition for Local Academy of Sport
Glimpse into the life of the High Flying Hawks...
and much more.

SWSAS Time Out l Fourth Quarter 2023

This Quarters Feature Articles include;
- Hockey Talent Thrives at State Search
- First Nation Sporting Talent in Fine Display
- No Stranger to going fast - Mark of a Champion Daniel Vermeulen

plus many more articles including;
Academy Herald in New Program Year
Building Success Through Local Community Sports
A Coaches Transformational Purpose
and Regional Academies of Sport Empowers Coaches to Develop Future Champions

SWSAS News l Third Edition 2023

This Quarters Feature Articles include;
- Stars in our Sights - a bumper wrap up of the Academy Sport Awards Dinner
- Future Leaders Learn to Conquer Obstacles
- Home Runs and Hard Work - A Complete Come Back

plus many more articles including;
Alumni continuing to excel on the World Stage
Coach Education takes an International Flavour
Meet Max Brown-Tjakuapi - Mark of a Champion,
and Regional Academies of Sport continues to strengthen partnerships.

SWSAS News l Second Edition 2023

This Quarters Feature Articles include;
- Athletes Gain Clean Sport Advantage
- BMX Riding Towards State Success
- Academy Games a Win for Spectators

plus many more articles including;
Athletes take the lead at Come and Try Day,
Indigenous Cultural Symbols and Yarning Day,
Meet Zoe Bruce - Mark of a Champion,
and Building Relationships as a Coach.

SWSAS News l First Edition 2023

SWSAS News l Fourth Edition 2022

SWSAS News l Third Edition 2022

SWSAS News l Second Edition 2022

SWSAS News l First Edition 2022

SWSAS News l Third Edition 2021

SWSAS News l Second Edition 2021

SWSAS News l First Edition 2021

The Archives

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Try the links below clicking through the Archives from previous newsletters, experiencing and appreciating the rich academy history as you go...

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