Performance Pathways

Academy Naming Rights Partner

Academy Platinum Partner

Our position within the NSW Sporting Landscape

Sport Programs are the back bone of our operation as one of eleven Regional Academy's of Sport within the NSW Sporting landscape.

The Regional Academy's of Sport are recognised as holding a valuable place within the NSW Sporting landscape, providing a crucial and direct link from foundational to Pre-Elite athlete development.

The inclusion in this pathway, is clearly identified by the NSW Office of Sport in the "Future Champions Strategy", and identifies the Regional Academy network as one of the key delivery partners in the implementation of sport programs and high performance success in key areas of;

  • Pathway Leadership
  • Coaching
  • Empowered Athletes
  • Pathway Intelligence
  • Competition, and
  • Performance Environments

Because of this crucial step in the pathway, Regional Academy's operate within the NSW Office of Sport recognised F.T.E.M pathway. This is due primarily to our unique focus and ability to deliver varying aspects of an athlete’s lifecycle in a semi-elite and high-performance environment above the community sport level.

    The NSW FTEM model (pictured above) includes an identified six drivers for high performance success at each FTEM level used specifically within the NSW sporting pathway.

    'The NSW FTEM is not predicted on chronological age but is aimed at best practice and holistic approach to the athlete’s development ensuring the ‘right support at the right time’.

    (Future Champions Strategy - FTEM NSW, Weissensteiner, J.R / NSW Office of Sport)

    Compliance with this FTEM model framework allows Regional Academies to remain vital in the high-performance pathways of the State Sporting Organisations that support the Academy programs.

    As the South West Sydney Academy of Sport services a number of sports in the South West Sydney Region through the support of state sporting organisations, sponsors and strong community connections, each Academy sport program is therefore conducted to a minimum level consistent with F.T.E.M levels T1-T3.


    South West Sydney Academy of Sport 'Athlete Lifecycle'

    Throughout 2022, the South West Sydney Academy of Sport identified five core components for the holistic development of a member of the Academy. These components form the foundation building blocks for the Academy's sport programs, and in turn, help to identify the South West Sydney Academy of Sport 'Athlete Lifecycle'.

      Athletes enter the lifecycle from within our local community, via their respective local club or representative teams, or identified throughout their local school.

      Selected athletes then experience each of the five core components of the lifecycle during their scholarship period and leave the Academy either as an athlete within their sports high-performance pathway, and/or return to their local community club, team or environment with enhanced leadership and life skills.

      The Academy’s lifecycle as such, is focused not just on the athletic performance of a person, but their character, identity, and value as a community citizen.

      Take the next step in your sporting journey, and access your high performance pathway by nominating for one of our sport programs.

      Official Education Partner

      Principal Partner

      Performance Pathways Partner

      2/298 Queen St,
      NSW 2560

      Letters to: PO Box 307 Macarthur
      Square NSW 2560