Olympic and Paralympic Games Athletes

2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games
Ashleigh Brazill - Netball
2018 Gold Coast Commonwealth Games
Emily Chalker (nee Smith) - Hockey
Emily Hurtz - Hockey
2014 Glasgow Commonwealth Games
Emily Chalker (nee Smith) - Hockey
Kellie White - Hockey
2010 Delhi Commonwealth Games
Emily Hurtz - Hockey
Glenn Turner - Hockey
2006 Melbourne Commonwealth Games
Clinton Hill - Athletics
Jim Piper - Swimming
2002 Manchester Commonwealth Games
Clinton Hill - Athletics
Bronwyn Eagles - Athletics
Jim Piper - Swimming
Australian Representatives
Athletes (Current or Alumni) who have represented AUSTRALIA (or their Nation of Birth) at an International event, including Pre-Olympic or Pre-Commonwealth Games Squads, World Championships, World Cups, Oceania or Asian Championships, or International Tournaments and Festivals of similar prestige.
*Junior or Senior National representative.
National / International 'Leagues' Representatives
Athletes (Current or Alumni) who have competed in a Professional Sporting League whether in Australia or Internationally.
(Including NCAA Collegiate Sports)
*played in a national professional league fixture or regular season competition, at the top tier.
Australian or International Representative Coach and Support Staff
Coach and Support Staff who have represented at a recognised World Cup, World Championship, International Competition, Tournament or Event at a Junior or Senior Level or with a National / International Professional League (in that Nation's Top Tier), either during or post-participation within the Academy; or as an athlete whilst a coach or support staff member within an Academy program.