We Are South West Sydney

Established in 1997, the South West Sydney Academy of Sport is a not-for-profit sporting organisation that provides endorsed localised training and development opportunities for talented young athletes, coaches and sport administrators in the South West Sydney region.

Regions like South West Sydney continue to produce world class sports men and women, and the Academy helps support the next generation of elite sports people to achieve their goals of reaching State, National and International levels of competition.

The Academy receives funding from the NSW and Local Governments; yet relies heavily on the support of its major business partners, community partners and the partners aligned with each of the sport programs, to enable it to further develop and ensure the best possible service is provided to each and every young athlete, coach and sport administrator who progress through the Academy.

At its core, the Academy is an organisation built on athletic excellence and youth, with the support of families and businesses within our South West Sydney community.


To be recognised across the South West Sydney region as the leader in quality sports program delivery, and to be acknowledged as a progressive, well managed organisation.


To provide high quality, community focused, talented athlete and coach identification and development programs, which assist athletes and coaches to successfully realise their sporting potential.

Principal Roles

The principal roles of the South West Sydney Academy of Sport are to:

  • Facilitate the personal development of talented junior athletes in the South West Sydney region
  • Provide individual athletes with access to specialist support services including coaching, sports science and sports medicine.
  • Identify, engage and support the development of high performance coaches at the local level.
  • Provide a clear, high quality development pathway, for local talent identified athletes to progress through junior development pathways to State and National representation.






Code of Conduct

Click to view each Code of Conduct in full. 

Regional Academies of Sport (RASi)

The South West Sydney Academy of Sport is one of eleven Regional Academies in NSW, all of which have the same principal roles to develop talent-identified local junior athletes and coaches within sports high performance pathways. 

The Regional Academies of Sport (RASi) is the collective group made up of nine of the Academies, who meet regularly, and work closely with the NSW Government, NSW Institute of Sport, NSW Office of Sport, State Sporting Organisations, and their local partners to ensure consistency and best-business practice across the Academy's Junior Talented High Performance Pathway sport programs. The South West Sydney Academy of Sport is one of the foundation members of RASi.

2/298 Queen St,
NSW 2560

Letters to: PO Box 307 Macarthur
Square NSW 2560