Work Experience with SWSAS

Congratulations on taking the steps to gain valuable experience in the sporting industry with a highly valued and recognised Regional Academy of Sport (RAS).

South West Sydney Academy of Sport (SWSAS) provides highly effective sports programs with the support of state sporting organisations to help develop South West Sydney athletes between the ages of 10 and 19 (with some ages sitting outside this bracket).

We look forward to reading your application!

Make sure this is correct please.

It is a requirement that you have a WWCC# to work with SWSAS. If you are currently still applying for yours please state this below.

University, TAFE or Other (use official name no abbreviations)

Please use official degree name

If applicable (please list)

Upload your CV/Resume below (optional)

Photo and Video Content Disclaimer

I, the participant, acknowledge that I may be photographed or videotaped during training. I hereby consent to the use of these photographs and/or videos without compensation, on the SWSAS website or in any editorial, promotional or media material produced and/or published by SWSAS.

2/298 Queen St,
NSW 2560

Letters to: PO Box 307 Macarthur
Square NSW 2560